Category: blog

  • Chemistry, The Periodic Table and the Musical Octave

    I recently heard about an English scientist called John Newlands who, in 1864, put forward his “Law Of Octaves”.  Using the relative atomic mass of all the elements known to scientists at the time, he arranged them into an ordered table.  He found that each element was similar to the element 8 places further on…

  • 14 Cool and Unusual Pianos

    An amazing collection of weird pianos! This one is my favourite.  I am hoping to find one on ebay.   Click here to see more!

  • Music and the Invisible Internal: Karl Paulnack’s Welcome Address

    Karl Paulnack’s welcoming speech to new students at the Boston Conversatory of Music has become one of the most quoted and ‘shared’ items on the web. His address offers us a compelling reminder of the immense value and importance of music in our lives.  He tells these students that they are “….here to become a…

  • A Beginner Craves Piano Practice

    Another wonderful title that is music to any music teacher’s ears!  This short article beautifully describes how a beginning student discovers the magic of playing the piano.

  • Playing a musical instrument makes you brainier

    What a catchy title!  It’s the kind of claim all music teachers love to hear.  This article presents the scientific evidence.    

  • Adult piano lessons enrich a writer’s life

    I came across this article at a website with the wonderful title “Grand Piano Passion”.    The author, Nancy M. Williams, a writer by profession, describes how returning to piano lessons, and taking on public performances, helped her with her writing.

  • Playing the piano can strengthen fine motor skills

    In this article Meridee Calder lists some of the benefits of playing the piano.

  • Welcome

    Welcome to my site!